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Announcements                        Sunday May 26th 

 Thank you to everyone who helped make the Fashion Show and Luncheon a huge success. More than $1800 was raised to help with our Community Cupboard. Special thanks to Jozie for an amazing meal, and Alison and her team for all the hard work needed to put it together. 

Community Cupboard thanks to Robbie who restocked the shelfs for the cupboard. The food goes quickly as there is much need.  Here is the list of foods recommended for those in need: 

  • Applesauce Plastic jars of unsweetened applesauce provide a quick snack, fiber and vitamin C.  
  • Canned Beans Loaded with protein and fiber, canned beans are very nutritious.  
  • Canned Chicken It’s simple to toss this non-perishable item into soups and casseroles or add it to a sandwich or cracker. It is versatile and high in protein. 
  • Canned Fish (Tuna and Salmon) Canned fish has vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and protein, and it makes for a quick and easy meal.  
  • Canned Meat (SPAM and Ham) It’s shelf-stable, doesn’t require much prep or equipment to eat, and delivers a quick hit of protein to keep individuals feeling full for longer. 
  • Canned Vegetables Colorful, nutrient-dense and fiber-rich vegetables are always in high demand, and canned varieties last the longest on a shelf.  
  • Crackers Perfect as a snack or as a base for canned meats, crackers are shelf-stable and portable, making them ideal for snacks and lunches. Whole grain crackers are the best bet. 
  • Fruit (Canned or Dried) Fresh in Season Fruit, whether dried, canned or in plastic cups, makes excellent snacks for kids and adults and provide some nutrition and fiber.  
  • Granola Bars People are always in need of quick and easy items that families can toss into lunches or eat on the go, and granola bars are just the thing.  
  • Instant Mashed Potatoes Instant potatoes last longer and require minimal tools and ingredients to whip up.  
  • Nuts A handful of nuts provides protein and nutrients in a hurry and is perfect for snacks and lunches. Should make up in snake packs. 
  • Pasta This is a food staple since it’s easy to turn into a meal. Whole grain varieties offer more fiber and nutrition than white pasta. 
  • Peanut Butter Kids and adults like it, and it’s high in protein, making peanut butter one of the most popular items at food banks. 
  • Rice It’s filling, versatile and easy to prepare and store. Quinoa is also a great item. 
  • Shelf-stable and Powdered Milk Because no fridge is required to keep this milk fresh, it’s accessible for everyone. Plus, it provides much-needed calcium and protein. 
  • Soup, Stew and Chili  often come complete with protein (meat) and veggies.  
  • Whole Grain Cereal whole grain cereal makes a healthy breakfast or snack.  
  • And to avoid?  junk food, loaves of bread or buns

Lay Leadership Course Please keep Gerry and Julie in your prayers, they will complete their last session on the 30th.  There will be a period of review before the Bishop will issue licenses. 


Just a reminder of the coming services of Communion 

  • June 23rd Rev. Rob Hutchison – Honorary Assistant St. Marks Qualicum 


Upcoming dates: 

  • May 27th at 10am– Music Team

About the wider Church There is a wealth of new information provided by our Diocese and Synod websites: and