At the end of November, after six months of hearing folk speak to what its' passing meant to them and just living with the text, Trinity's new Welcome Statement passed unanimously at a special meeting of the congregation. 

Welcome is part of Trinity's DNA.  Through these last years the community has intentionally embraced growing God's definition of welcome which is unconditional.  Believing all are beloved of God, no ifs/ands/or buts, the congregation  strives to practice radical hospitality, affirming the belovedness of all.

Upon the statement's passing, Pastor Brenda spoke for many when she said it was an emotional moment in Trinity's history.  The statement itself follows.  God help us to live it into reality, always!

 We are called by Jesus to love God and one another,

to practise radical hospitality, and to serve all without stipulations.  

We commit ourselves to embracing the work of anti-racism,

social and economic justice, and environmental care.  

We welcome you to join us no matter

your race, culture, ethnicity, age,

gender expression or identity, sexual orientation,

physical or mental abilities, socioeconomic position,

family status, background, or wherever you are on your faith journey.

You are a unique and beloved child of God.

You are accepted and affirmed just as you are –

with all your differences and with all your gifts.  

Together, let us,  through Christ,

joyfully and inclusively,

love and serve the world through this,

our community,
